Category: Health
Opinion: Non-alcoholic beer and alcoholics – are they even allowed to drink it?
Many dry alcoholics ask themselves whether they are allowed to drink non-alcoholic beer. For various reasons, addiction specialists often answer with a clear no. The following arguments are usually given against this: Many non-alcoholic beers contain a residual amount of alcohol – up to 0.5% is allowed. This would trigger dry alcoholics. As the taste…
Opinion: Non-alcoholic wine and alcoholics – are they allowed to drink it at all?
A decision that needs to be weighed well Many dry alcoholics are faced with the question of whether they are allowed to drink non-alcoholic wine. This is a question that many addiction doctors initially answer with a clear “no” for a variety of reasons. Arguments against it are usually cited as follows: Most non-alcoholic wines…
Personal experience report: How my alcohol consumption got out of control
My name is Severin, I was born in 1972, I live in Bonn in Germany and I drank way too much alcohol for many years. This is my story of how I slipped into alcohol addiction.
What is Waist to Height Ratio and why does it matter?
Waist to height ratio, or WHtR for short, measures how body fat is distributed throughout the body. Research has shown that a high WHtR value generally corresponds with a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease which can ultimately lead to a heart attack, stroke and/or death. Heart disease is the number one cause of death…