Tag: acronym ae

  • What does the acronym AESAT mean in military?

    The abbreviation AESATstands for Avionics & Electrical Systems Advanced Trainer in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with AE here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.

  • What does the acronym AEO mean in military?

    The abbreviation AEOstands for All Engines Operating in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with AE here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.

  • What does the acronym AEMS mean in military?

    The abbreviation AEMSstands for Aircraft Engine Management System in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with AE here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.

  • What does the acronym AEL mean in military?

    The abbreviation AELstands for Allowance Equipage List in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with AE here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.

  • What does the acronym AED mean in military?

    The abbreviation AEDstands for Active Expendable Decoy in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with AE here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.

  • What does the acronym AEA mean in military?

    The abbreviation AEAstands for Auxillary Engine Assembly in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with AE here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.

  • What does the acronym AE mean in military?

    The abbreviation AEstands for Ammunition Ship (underway Replenishment) in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with AE here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.

  • What does the acronym AE mean in medical slang?

    The abbreviation AE usually stands for ‘Aggressive Euthanasia – A Procedure That Obnoxious Patients Would Benefit From.’. Follow this link for more medical slang acronymes and here you find more acronyms beginning with AE.