Tag: acronym is

  • What does the acronym ISQ mean in medical slang?

    The abbreviation ISQ usually stands for ‘In Status Quo (“no Change”): Often Used During The Weekend Surgical Round’. Follow this link for more medical slang acronymes and here you find more acronyms beginning with IS.

  • What does the acronym ISST mean in military?

    The abbreviation ISSTstands for Infrared Surveillance Of Surface Targets in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with IS here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.

  • What does the acronym ISSI mean in military?

    The abbreviation ISSIstands for International Software Systems Incorporated in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with IS here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.

  • What does the acronym ISPW mean in military?

    The abbreviation ISPWstands for International Software Process Working Group in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with IS here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.

  • What does the acronym ISPE mean in military?

    The abbreviation ISPEstands for Improved Sonar Processing Equipment (ssbn) in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with IS here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.

  • What does the acronym ISP mean in military?

    The abbreviation ISPstands for Interim Support Period in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with IS here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.

  • What does the acronym ISP mean in military?

    The abbreviation ISPstands for Integrated Support Plan in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with IS here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.

  • What does the acronym ISOL mean in military?

    The abbreviation ISOLstands for Isolation in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with IS here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.

  • What does the acronym ISM mean in military?

    The abbreviation ISMstands for Input Signal Management in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with IS here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.

  • What does the acronym ISLN mean in military?

    The abbreviation ISLNstands for Isolation in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with IS here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.