Tag: acronym ms

  • What does the acronym MSTR mean in military?

    The abbreviation MSTRstands for Master in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with MS here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.

  • What does the acronym MST mean in military?

    The abbreviation MSTstands for Mission System Trainer in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with MS here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.

  • What does the acronym MSSS mean in military?

    The abbreviation MSSSstands for Model 901 Simulation Support Software in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with MS here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.

  • What does the acronym MSSC mean in military?

    The abbreviation MSSCstands for Medium Seal Support Craft (special Warfare) in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with MS here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.

  • What does the acronym MSR mean in military?

    The abbreviation MSRstands for Minesweeper, Patrol (mine Countermeasures) in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with MS here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.

  • What does the acronym MSO mean in military?

    The abbreviation MSOstands for Minesweepers (ocean) in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with MS here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.

  • What does the acronym MSM mean in military?

    The abbreviation MSMstands for Minesweeper, River (converted Lcm-6) (mine Countermeasures) in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with MS here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.

  • What does the acronym MSL mean in military?

    The abbreviation MSLstands for Mission Simulation in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with MS here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.

  • What does the acronym MSL mean in military?

    The abbreviation MSLstands for Mean Sea Level in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with MS here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.

  • What does the acronym MSL mean in military?

    The abbreviation MSLstands for Material Support List in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with MS here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.