Tag: acronym pw
What does the acronym PWT mean in medical slang?
The abbreviation PWT usually stands for ‘Poor White Trash (with A Condition Related To Their Lifestyle)’. Follow this link for more medical slang acronymes and here you find more acronyms beginning with PW.
What does the acronym PWFS mean in medical slang?
The abbreviation PWFS usually stands for ‘Post-Weekend Fatigue Syndrome – An Ailment Which Presents At GP Surgeries On Monday Mornings’. Follow this link for more medical slang acronymes and here you find more acronyms beginning with PW.
What does the acronym PWR/GND mean in military?
The abbreviation PWR/GNDstands for Power/ground in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with PW here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.
What does the acronym PWR mean in military?
The abbreviation PWRstands for Prepositioned War Reserves in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with PW here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.
What does the acronym PWR mean in military?
The abbreviation PWRstands for Power in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with PW here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.
What does the acronym PWB mean in military?
The abbreviation PWBstands for Printed Wiring Board in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with PW here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.
What does the acronym PW mean in military?
The abbreviation PWstands for Pulse Width in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with PW here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.