Tag: acronym tr
What does the acronym TRO mean in medical slang?
The abbreviation TRO usually stands for ‘Time Ran Out’. Follow this link for more medical slang acronymes and here you find more acronyms beginning with TR.
What does the acronym TRU mean in military?
The abbreviation TRUstands for Transformer Rectifier Unit in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with TR here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.
What does the acronym TRU mean in military?
The abbreviation TRUstands for Test Replaceable (repairable) Unit in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with TR here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.
What does the acronym TRR mean in military?
The abbreviation TRRstands for Test Readiness Review in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with TR here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.
What does the acronym TRQ mean in military?
The abbreviation TRQstands for Torque in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with TR here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.
What does the acronym TRK UP mean in military?
The abbreviation TRK UPstands for Track Up in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with TR here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.
What does the acronym TRK mean in military?
The abbreviation TRKstands for Track in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with TR here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.
What does the acronym TRID mean in military?
The abbreviation TRIDstands for Training Requirement Identification Display in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with TR here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.
What does the acronym TRICCSMA mean in military?
The abbreviation TRICCSMAstands for Trident Command & Control System Maintenance Activity in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with TR here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.
What does the acronym TRI-TAC mean in military?
The abbreviation TRI-TACstands for Program in the military field, especially in the US. You can find more abbreviations starting with TR here. Also take a look at our list with military acronyms.