Tag: medical acronym a
What does the acronym AWTF mean in medical slang?
The abbreviation AWTF usually stands for ‘Away With The Fairies; A Patient Who Is Totally Confused’. Follow this link for more medical slang acronymes and here you find more acronyms beginning with AW.
What does the acronym AWTB mean in medical slang?
The abbreviation AWTB usually stands for ‘Away With The Birds; A Patient Who Is Totally Confused’. Follow this link for more medical slang acronymes and here you find more acronyms beginning with AW.
What does the acronym ATS mean in medical slang?
The abbreviation ATS usually stands for ‘Acute Thespian Syndrome: Faking Illness; Known In US As MGM Syndrome’. Follow this link for more medical slang acronymes and here you find more acronyms beginning with AT.
What does the acronym ATL mean in medical slang?
The abbreviation ATL usually stands for ‘(Scotland) Aff (off) The Legs; Meaning Unable To Walk’. Follow this link for more medical slang acronymes and here you find more acronyms beginning with AT.
What does the acronym ATFO mean in medical slang?
The abbreviation ATFO usually stands for ‘Asked To Fuck Off’. Follow this link for more medical slang acronymes and here you find more acronyms beginning with AT.
What does the acronym ATD mean in medical slang?
The abbreviation ATD usually stands for ‘(US) Acute Tylenol Deficiency (simple Fever Or Head Cold)’. Follow this link for more medical slang acronymes and here you find more acronyms beginning with AT.
What does the acronym AST mean in medical slang?
The abbreviation AST usually stands for ‘Assuming Seasonal Temperature (dead)’. Follow this link for more medical slang acronymes and here you find more acronyms beginning with AS.
What does the acronym ART mean in medical slang?
The abbreviation ART usually stands for ‘Approaching Room Temperature (dead)’. Follow this link for more medical slang acronymes and here you find more acronyms beginning with AR.
What does the acronym AQR mean in medical slang?
The abbreviation AQR usually stands for ‘Ain’t Quite Right’. Follow this link for more medical slang acronymes and here you find more acronyms beginning with AQ.
What does the acronym AQP mean in medical slang?
The abbreviation AQP usually stands for ‘Assuming The Q Position: Deteriorating Or Dying With Tongue Hanging Out’. Follow this link for more medical slang acronymes and here you find more acronyms beginning with AQ.