Luisa Neubauer is now the face of Fridays for Future in Germany. In addition to her, we’ve been hearing more about Carla Reemtsma lately. When I searched for her on Google, I found out that Carla is supposed to be Luisa’s cousin. And both are said to come from the Reemtsma family – yes, exactly that.
Through a private contact, it was confirmed to me that Luisa’s mother – Frauke Neubauer – is indeed the cousin of Jan Philipp Fürchtegott Reemtsma and is also active in Fridays for Future.
Now all this is not further dramatic and offensive and if one investigates a little in social networks, also discoverable.
But in the relevant forums, the most audacious conspiracy theories are already being spun, why big business / the Freemasons / the Jewish world conspiracy / the Nazis*, each represented by the Reemtsma family, are behind the Fridays for Future protests and what goal of world domination they are actually pursuing with them.
Beside such speculations not to be taken seriously there are however also quite questions, which could take up also more respectable media and critics. For example, whether Neubauer’s parents – Frauke and Harry – are actually involved in cruise ships or Carla Reemtsma’s in container ships. And if the Instagram photos of Luisa Neubauer’s previous long-distance trips have already made it into her Wikipedia entry and earned her the nickname long-haul Luisa, these questions about the family’s economic activities, which may not exactly be climate-friendly, harbor a disproportionately greater potential for criticism.
And so, in place of Luisa Neubauer, I think it would make sense here to provide clarity with a short statement in order to prevent such discussions from arising and becoming big in the first place.
Nobody is responsible for his origin, but for the way he deals with it. And complete silence is in any case always the wrong way.
* Philipp Fürchtegott Reemtsma personally promised Hitler as early as 1932 to place advertisements in the newspapers of the NSDAP, and Alwin Siegfried Fürchtegott Reemtsma was in fact not only a cigarette manufacturer but also a Standartenführer of the Waffen-SS and received the honorary sword of the Reichsführer SS in 1939 – which led to the trending hashtag #Luissa in early May 2021.
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