Here is a list of abbreviations that begin with the letters AS.’
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- What does the acronym AST mean in medical slang?
- What does the acronym AS mean in military?
- What does the acronym AS mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASAC mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASB mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASC mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASCII mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASD mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASDS mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASE mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASEMICAP mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASG mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASI&CS mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASIS mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASIS mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASITS mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASIU mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASL mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASM mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASN mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASO mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASPJ mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASPK mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASR mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASROC mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASSET mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASSY mean in military?
- What does the acronym AST mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASTAB mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASTM mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASU/STWCS mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASW mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASWCSI mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASWIXS mean in military?
- What does the acronym ASWOC mean in military?
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