the news

  • Understanding the Term ‘Inselaffe’: Navigating Cultural Sensitivities in Language

    Understanding the Term ‘Inselaffe’: Navigating Cultural Sensitivities in Language

    “Inselaffe” is a derogatory term used in the German language, translating to “island monkey” in English. It is sometimes used pejoratively to refer to British people, combining the word “island” to allude to the geographical fact that Great Britain is an island, with “monkey” as a disrespectful comparison. The term carries negative connotations and is…

  • The Curious Tradition of St. Blaise: Decoding a German Weather Lore

    The Curious Tradition of St. Blaise: Decoding a German Weather Lore

    In the tapestry of global traditions and beliefs, weather lores hold a special place, weaving together cultural heritage with the rhythms of nature. One such lore hails from Germany, echoing the ancient observance of St. Blaise’s Day with a saying that piques curiosity: “St. Blaise is on the move and knocks off winter’s horns.” To…

  • What is “Effective Accelerationism”?

    What is “Effective Accelerationism”?

    Effective Accelerationism, often abbreviated as E/Acc, is a philosophical and ideological movement that emphasizes the transformative potential of technology and capitalism. Its advocates believe that the advancement of technology, especially artificial intelligence (AI), can dramatically improve human life and solve many of humanity’s problems. This ideology is in stark contrast to degrowth or decelerationist movements,…

  • What does Decel mean?

    What does Decel mean?

    “Decel” in the context of technology and philosophy, particularly relating to artificial intelligence (AI), refers to a movement or ideology that is seen as opposing or slowing down technological progress. It’s a term that has emerged within the discourse surrounding AI development and its societal and ethical implications. The term “Decel” is used, sometimes dismissively,…

  • Exploring the Charm of German ‘Bauernregeln’: A Cultural Dive into Traditional Farming Proverbs

    Exploring the Charm of German ‘Bauernregeln’: A Cultural Dive into Traditional Farming Proverbs

    In the heart of Germany’s rich cultural tapestry lies a unique and enduring tradition – the ‘Bauernregeln’, or farmers’ proverbs. Rooted in the agricultural heritage of the country, these pithy sayings offer more than just weather predictions; they are a window into Germany’s rural past and a testament to the wisdom of its ancestors. The…

  • Rachel Swift

    Rachel Swift

    Rachel Swift is running as the Republican presidential candidate for 2024. She also goes by the name Rachel Mohawk Swift or Rachel Hannah Swift. She is committed to legalizing marijuana and prostitution, fighting human trafficking and improving the environment. She is also a passionate motorist who wants to redesign Ford Focus cars to last 30…



    We document here the “Techno-Optimist Manifesto” that Marc Andreessen published in a thread on X: “You live in a deranged age — more deranged than usual, because despite great scientific and technological advances, man has not the faintest idea of who he is or what he is doing.” — Walker Percy “Our species is 300,000…

  • A few thoughts on the 2024 Republican Ioawa Caucus

    A few thoughts on the 2024 Republican Ioawa Caucus

    The results of the Iowa Caucus 2024 show an interesting dynamic in the Republican primary campaign: Donald Trump’s 51.0% win reaffirms his strong position. However, I believe he would have done worse in better weather, more on that below. In any case, the result is an indication that his support is solid but not unshakeable.…

  • What does the Arabic-language flyer in the movie “Leave the World Behind” say?

    What does the Arabic-language flyer in the movie “Leave the World Behind” say?

    In the movie “Leave the World Behind”, a leaflet with Arabic characters is dropped. As the protagonists do not speak Arabic – only the characters on the front, which mean “Death to the USA”, are known to the son Archie from a video game – they do not know the meaning. And since the internet…

  • Opinion: Non-alcoholic beer and alcoholics – are they even allowed to drink it?

    Opinion: Non-alcoholic beer and alcoholics – are they even allowed to drink it?

    Many dry alcoholics ask themselves whether they are allowed to drink non-alcoholic beer. For various reasons, addiction specialists often answer with a clear no. The following arguments are usually given against this: Many non-alcoholic beers contain a residual amount of alcohol – up to 0.5% is allowed. This would trigger dry alcoholics. As the taste…